
Meet my new Astro blog, same as the old Nuxt blog
This blog was created with Nuxt 2 seven years ago and served me well but in that time I have been working professionally with vanilla Javascript/Typescript, Vue, and now React. I have also been playing around with Svelte and Solid.js. Given my desire to constantly be learning and experimenting with new technologies it seemed time to use a static-site generator that would accommodate all of the above... Enter Astro! So welcome to my mostly-the-same-looking site that is now completely different!

How to add search to your static website
One of the most important features that a website can have is a method to effectively search its content. There's no denying that there's such an overload of information on websites these days that helping people find what they need can be a monumental task. That's where a well designed site searching functionality can swoop in to save the day and today I'm going to show you how to deploy this superhero feature on your very own static website, no backend required.

Houston, we have a blog!
One of my goals with this new year has been to start writing more frequently, be it technical articles or just my thoughts and ramblings. I've considered Medium in the past (and still might duplicate some of my writing there), but felt the platform just isn't quite there yet for the purpose of writing technical articles. I have read many well-written technical articles there that I felt were held back by the limitations of the platform. I'm of the strong opinion that learning is doing, and limiting educational writing to text and graphics isn't the best medium for doing.